Madrid, 28 y 29 de septiembre de 2017. El Campus Getafe de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid acoge este año la decimoprimera edición del Workshop Interuniversitario sobre Mente, Arte y Moralidad que, un año más, ahonda en el análisis de las emociones en los ámbitos estético y artístico.
XI Inter-university Workshop on Mind, Art and Morality
28th-‐29th September, 2017
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, «Getafe Campus»
The Inter-University Workshop on Mind, Art and Morality promotes the interconnections across different areas in philosophy and, in particular, the study of issues lying at the intersection of ethics, aesthetics and the philosophy of mind.
In previous editions, the Workshop has been devoted either to the production of a particular philosopher, including Gregrory Currie, Richard Wollheim, Jonathan Dancy, Christine Korsgaard, Shaun Nichols, David Filkenstein, and Malcolm Budd; or to explore topics such as the Cognitive Value of Literature, the Philosophy of Music (Peter Kivy, Noël Carroll or Derek Matravers), Self-Knowledge (David Filkenstein and Sarah Sawyer) and Art and Negative Emotions (Susan Feagin and Eileen John). On the 2017 edition, we intend to focus on how emotions play a central role in the configuration of I- and We- identities in a relational way. We will examine issues such as the relevance of reactive and negative emotions (ranging from shame to sadness) in the constitution of subjectivity and intersubjectivity; the link between empathy, otherness and self-awareness, and how our sense of the self is framed by social structures and interactions that shape individual and collective affects and moods.
Invited Speaker/ Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen)
Organizers/ Carlos Thiebaut (Madrid), Alicia García Ruiz (Madrid), Antonio Gómez Ramos (Madrid), María José Alcaraz (Murcia), Carmen González Marín (Madrid), Rosa Benéitez (Salamanca).
Sponsored by: Spanish Research Council via Subject, Emotions and Structures (FFI 2016-75703-R), Spanish Society for Analytic Philosophy (SEFA)
Thursday, the 28th
(Room 17.2.75)
Chair: Alba Montes
Dan Zahavi (University of Copenhagen) From White to Dark and Back Again: Empathy, Alterity, and Morality
Coffee Break
Panel 1
Chair: Virginia Fusco
Elodie Malbois (University of Fribourg) Sympathy: Experiencing the Ether as Fellow-Being
Mar Cabezas (University of Salzburg) From Indifference to the Recognition of Others: the Role of Curiosity for Empathy
Antonio Gómez Ramos (Carlos III University) Reflection or Experience. Which Self is to Give Account of Emotions?
Panel 2
Chair: Alicia García
Jake Wojtowicz (King’s College, London) Agent- Regret and Reasons
Johnathan Mitchel (Univesity of Warwick) Understanding Meta-Emotions: Prospects for a Perceptualist Account
Ana Falcato (University of Lisbon) Shame and Mediated Ideas of the Self: Bernard Williams, Sartre and the Kantian
Friday, the 29th
(Room 15.0.01)
Panel 4
Chair: Gavin Rae
Gonzalo Fernandez Codina (University of Barcelona) Emotions and Values: is There a Rational Way to Feel
Gonzalo Velasco, (CJC University, Madrid) The Reconciled Self. Giving Account of the Joy of Recovering a Collective Narrative
Coffee break
Chair: Antonio Gómez Ramos
Dan Zahavi Extended Minds and Shared Emotions
Conclusive remarks.