Virtual Research Seminar: The Cognitive Impact of Serial Television - SEyTA
Marzo, abril y mayo de 2021. El Seminario se celebrará en seis sesiones virtuales, dedicadas al estudio de las series televisivas y su impacto cognitivo. Envío de propuestas hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2020. Utopia (Creador Dennis Kelly, 2013-2014). Television serial fiction is one of the most popular cultural products around the world today, and there is much indirect evidence that its stories influence the understanding of those who watch and enjoy it. While narrative in general has the capacity to influence our beliefs, values, and attitudes by presenting us with ideas in a very incisive way in emotional terms, the influence of television series in this respect is probably decisive, considering the large numbers of viewers they have globally. Direct evidence of that influence, however, has yet to be uncovered, as research on the effects of serial narratives on viewer comprehension is still in its incipient stages. This seminar offers an opportunity to discover unpublished work by leading experts in the study of serials from various perspectives. At the same time, it aims to stimulate the development of new research in this field, providing a space for the presentation of proposals from the following disciplinary areas: Psychology and […]