Congreso de Filosofía 'Art in & of the Streets' - SEyTA
Nueva York, del 5 al 7 de marzo de 2015. Organizado por la American Society for Aesthetics y el Pratt Institute, el congreso propone reflexionar sobre la consideración artística y extramuseística de las nuevas expresiones urbanas. Fecha límite para contribuciones: 1 de septiembre de 2014. Fechas del congreso: del 5 al 7 de marzo de 2015 Lugar: Nueva York Organización: The Pratt Institute & New York University Organizadores: Christy Mag Uidhir (Houston), Nicholas Riggle (NYU), Gregg M. Horowitz (Pratt) Possible topics include but are not limited to the following: What is street art, and who is its proper audience? How do the various forms of street art (graffiti, urban vinyl, poster art, street performance and installation) relate to their Fine-Art kin (painting, calligraphy, sculpture, fine-art prints, concert/theatre performance, performance/conceptual art)? How does street art relate to other “post-museum” and “post-studio” art forms? Is street art essentially site-specific? What are the implications for the restoration or conservation of works of street art? Is there such a thing as a street art “aesthetic”? What constitutes authenticity in street art? Does legality/criminality (e.g., vandalism, trespassing, copyright, etc.) play an aesthetic or art-making role for works of street art? Do municipalities incur obligations (aesthetic […]