2020, the year that will see the publication of a volume dedicated to Adorno of Laocoonte. Revista de estética y teoría de las artes, marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Aesthetic Theory. Timeframe for submission: 15th January to 1st June 2020.



Theodor W. Adorno’s unexpected death in August 1969 prevented him from completing a number of projects he was working on, including a book on the subject of aesthetic theory. Rolf Tiedemann and Gretel Adorno edited a selection of the texts on which Adorno was working for this book, which they published in 1970 under the now familiar title of Aesthethic Theory. 2020, the year that will see the publication of a volume dedicated to Adorno of Laocoonte. Revista de estética y teoría de las artes, marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of Aesthetic Theory and the 51st anniversary of the death of the German thinker.

With a view to creating a space for reflection on one of the 20th century’s most celebrated aesthetics theorists, this volume of Laocoonte will focus on aesthetics and art in Theodor W. Adorno’s entire body of work, as well as its aftermath. The volume aims to encompass not only Adorno’s work, but also its influence in the area of Aesthetics and Art Theory and the way in which it continues to echo in present day aesthetics.

To this end – and with Adorno’s texts constituting our starting point – we welcome proposals for contributions to this volume of the journal on any of the following themes:

Proposed themes/

  1. Art and aesthetics in the works of Theodor W. Adorno.
  2. The impact of Adorno’s conception of artistic and aesthetic practice in the aftermath of his death.
  3. The influence and critique of the Adornian conception of art and aesthetics in contemporary philosophers, art theorists and artists such as: Albrecht Wellmer, Günter Figal, Axel Honneth, Pierre Bourdieu, Lydia Goehr, Peter Osborne, Alexander Kluge, W.G. Sebald, Rafael Sánchez Ferlosio, etc.
  4. The transversality of Adornian aesthetics: the relation between art, philosophy and knowledge.
  5. Aesthetics and the cultural industry: aesthetics as social critique.
  6. Adornian aesthetics in the face of present day art.
  7. The relations between Adornian aesthetics and its contemporaries: Benjamin, Bloch, Kracauer, Eisler, Lukács, Löwenthal, etc.
  8. Aesthetics starting from an immanent interpretation of works of art:

8.1. Adorno as a reader of Kafka, Beckett, Valéry, Proust, Heine, etc.

8.2. Adorno’s aesthetic reflections on the music of Schönberg, Stravinsky, Webern, Beethoven, etc.

8.3. Adorno and the plastic and visual arts.

Timeframe for submission/ 15th January to 1st June 2020.

Authors will need to upload the original articles onto the Lacoonte journal platform which can be found in the following link. Norms for submissions can also be found here:


Articles that do not meet the journal’s norms concerning submission, presentation and referencing will not be accepted.

The estimated publication date for volume 7 is 14th December 2020.

For further information, please contact the coordinators of the section dedicated to “The Continued Relevance of the Theodor W. Adorno’s Aesthetics” (“La actualidad de la estética de Theodor W. Adorno”)/

Rosa M. Benéitez Andrés (Universidad de Salamanca) beneitezr@usal.es

Vanessa Vidal Mayor (Universidad de Valencia) Vanessa.Vidal@uv.es